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Table Of ContentsSome thoughtsI created this topic for discussion of the future USB-On-The-Go (USB OTG) support in RockBox. The discussion will be based on iriver H3x0 for the moment, because1) i have iriver H340 and 2) the other device the RockBox port is working on with USB host caps is IaudioX5, but we don't have the specific chip's documentation atm. OK, iriver H3x0 has Philips ISP1362 USB OTG controller, which features 2 hardware ports - the first can be used as Device, as Host, and as OTG port, while the second can be used only as Host port. It seems like the iriver uses the first one, because on the US iriver it's used as device port. This chip fully supports USB 1.1 specifications + OnTheGo Supplement to USB 2.0 specs. Also, it supports all standard transfer modes (Control (ok, it's needed for USB to work AT ALL), Isochronous (used mostly for real-time transfers like audio & video), INT (used mostly for devices like HID - Humain Interface Device like keyboards, mouses, joysticks, for other devices too (like some of USB Mass Storage protocols) and Bulk (used for USB Mass storage, printers, scanners). The only restriction i know till now is the current with which the chip can supply the usb ports - it's lower than the standard 500mA; We will need support for AT LEAST 2 device classes: 1) USB mass storage 2) Still Image (PTP - picture transfer protocol, many cameras use this for transfering the images to a computer) and maybe the protocol used in older Canon cameras (reverse engineered afaik)
Questions & Discussion1) DO we really need full OTG support? I mean: Do we need the port to act like a OTG port in terms of being capable to switch between the Device & Host Mode on request by the other device? In fact, do we need Device caps generally? 2) Will all these protocols be compiled in the rockbox statically? Or there will be some kind of "protocol plugins" ? Let's start a discussion about the way USB support will be realised in RockBox